What is ChatGPT? ChatGPT Explained

5 min readJan 6, 2023

What is ChatGPT? ChatGPT Explained

ChatGPT is a chatbot designed to help with customer support, conversation, and information-gathering tasks. It generates responses customized to the user’s input using GPT3 technology and natural language processing. In addition, because of the dialogue format, it can respond to further inquiries, acknowledge its errors, refute false assumptions, and decline inappropriate requests.

It is a useful tool for businesses looking to enhance their customer support experience because it can handle various inquiries and provide answers in real-time. The UK Times article described it as the world’s first truly useful chatbot and a “stunningly lifelike” conversational language system. So we will now discuss more in detail ChatGPT, including its history, benefits, and drawbacks. Read more.


It is a product from Open AI, a company Sam Altman and Elon Musk founded in 2015. Elon Musk is still a donor and advisor to Open AI, even though he stepped down in February 2018 to concentrate on Tesla.

It has been trending on Twitter since its launch on November 30, 2022. Then, finally, the AI-powered chatbot was made available to the general public on OpenAI’s website. It gathered millions of users in just five days, which is mind-blowing.

  • In November 2021, the product was first made available for beta testing to launch as a refined and improved version of GPT3, free from any negative side effects.
  • The service was initially made available to the public for free, with plans to monetize it later.
  • When Elon Musk discovered that OpenAI was training ChatGPT using Twitter’s database, he immediately stopped the practice. It is because OpenAI is no longer open-sourced and non-profit. It ought to eventually be paid for this information.
  • The creators used massive amounts of text data from various sources to train the software using AI and machine learning.
  • Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback, also known as RLHF, was used in training.
  • It is a sibling model to InstructGPT.

Positive Aspects

ChatGPT has received many positive reviews from its users. It was hailed as the best AI chatbot available to the general public. It could fundamentally change how people use search engines by providing solutions to challenging issues, giving customers more than just links to browse through. It is not just a good debugging companion but can also fix the bug when you ask a question. Listed below are a few pros of the product for your reading pleasure.

  • Customer service agents can spend less time responding to customer inquiries with the product since it provides fast and accurate responses. By doing so, users can focus on more critical and specialized tasks.
  • A conversational AI tool’s ability to generate engaging and relevant content based on user input greatly increases online traffic and engagement.
  • It helps engage customers on social media or provides discussion starters on a website’s blog or forum to improve a business’s online presence and engage customers.
  • Businesses can develop a coherent and effective content marketing plan with the tool’s ability to research any topic online and select relevant content from multiple sources.

Negative Aspects

We talked about the acceptance received by the product from the customers. However, it is necessary to move on to some of its disadvantages for users and society. Despite its shortcomings, ChatGPT is proving useful in real-world use cases. As a result, businesses are eager to capitalize on it. Check out the following to learn more. It includes:

  • Hasty Launch Sign-Ups
  • Wrong Response to the Queries
  • Problems with the Training Data and Bias Issues
  • Future-Proofness of the Technology

1. Hasty Launch Sign-Ups

More than a million people signed up to use the technology in just five days, which is incredible. But, unfortunately, it caused the website to freeze, forcing Open AI to scale its systems immediately. It was the first immediate negative effect of ChatGPT. However, it is also a positive aspect in some ways.

2. Wrong Response to the Queries

The product is a large language model that is continuously trained with the goal of increasing response accuracy. It can respond to all kinds of writing, including theoretical essays, mathematical solutions, and stories, according to OpenAI, because of the dialogue model.

  • It can also reply to follow-up questions, and the company says it can also acknowledge mistakes.
  • But because it’s a brand-new technology, the model hasn’t received enough training.
  • As a result, the AI chatbot might respond to users’ questions incorrectly.

3. Problems with the Training Data and Bias Issues

Since the product is still in its early stages of development and has a small body of knowledge primarily focused on 2021, some questions are pointless. However, the model’s output may suffer due to this constraint in the training data and the bias that exists in the data.

The model has shown an inclination when it comes to training minority data groups. Therefore, increasing the models’ data transparency is critical to minimizing bias in this technology.

4. Future-Proofness of the Technology

The users questioned the sustainability of the technology. The number of graphics processing units (GPUs) needed to run ChatGPT was a topic of discussion on Twitter. It ended up being the fact that running the technology is highly expensive. Given that it is a free product, many concerns are currently being voiced regarding how long-lasting the technology will be.

Many in the tech industry view ChatGPT as a glimpse into the future, despite its drawbacks and worries. The defining innovation of the coming era, generative AI, will transform how we interact with the internet. Its impressive rise in just a week has made the technology worthy of discussion. This article will help you understand the product, as well as its advantages and disadvantages, so you can decide whether to use it for your intended use.




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