C++ vs Java: Which is better?

4 min readAug 8, 2023

C++ vs Java: Which is better?

The software development industry has a handful of programming languages for developers to learn and use. The two most widely used among them are C++ and Java. Selecting a programming language for web or app development is not an easy task, and there is so much to consider when choosing one. Comparing the two languages will help you decide which one best suits you.

C++ and Java are widely used by software companies such as Google, Facebook, Amazon, and Apple, so learning them is beneficial for those interested in becoming developers. In this article, you will read through a comparison guide between C++ and Java. Read on to learn more about them in detail based on various factors.

Comparison guide based on various factors

As mentioned earlier, there are some specifics you should consider to find out which programming language is better. It includes the learning curve, platform independence, code reusability, popularity, compatibility with other languages, and many others. You can explore each of them in detail in this section of the article.

  • Learning curve
  • Type of programming language
  • Platform independence
  • Compatibility
  • Library and Code reusability support
  • Memory management
  • Runtime performance

1. Learning curve

In terms of ease of learning the language, Java is easier to learn because it is a newer language than C++. Its principles and execution are not complicated. According to developers, its syntax is straightforward, making it simple to comprehend, write, and maintain.

On the other hand, learning C++ is difficult and will take some time for the developers to master. Your career will greatly benefit from taking the time to learn this language, and it will set you apart from other developers.

2. Type of programming language

The C++ programming language is both procedural and object-oriented. Hence, it has features specific to procedural languages as well as those of an object-oriented programming language. Java is an entirely object-oriented programming language that makes it simpler for programmers to write code and reuse parts of it, improving efficiency and scalability.

3. Platform independence

Now, when it comes to platform independence, C++ is platform-dependent while Java is not. It is because C++ is based on the concept of write once, compile anywhere, while Java is based on the concept of write once, run anywhere. It means Java-compiled code can run on any operating system.

4. Compatibility

You know that C++ is built on C and is compatible with most of the other high-level languages, which makes it simple to create patches or supplement client-side code. Java, on the other hand, cannot be expected to be compatible with other languages, despite the fact that it is a newer language inspired by C and C++ and has syntax similar to them.

5. Library and Code reusability support

C++, as a programming language, has very few libraries with low-level functionality. System libraries can be accessed directly in this language. Java, on the other hand, has a wider variety of libraries and offers a lot of assistance for code reuse. Java only permits calls made through the Java Native Interface and, more recently, Java Native Access.

6. Memory management

Memory management can be performed manually or automatically. Manual memory management necessitates developers keeping track of code, objects, and elements in order to manually release unused memory. The garbage collection feature of Java is an automatic memory management system.

Garbage collection in Java makes memory management simpler and less likely to result in errors when memory is released, thereby reducing security vulnerabilities. Meanwhile, C++ uses reference counting to manage memory through ‘smart pointers’. When an object is removed from memory, its destructor releases the memory allocated to it.

7. Runtime performance

The manual memory management of C++ is faster than Java’s automatic garbage collection, so the C++ programming language outperforms the other programming language. When JIT (Just In Time) compilation is used, Java can also outperform the language in some cases. In addition, the C++ garbage collector outperforms its standard memory library’s garbage collector in terms of performance and memory usage. However, unless latency is of the utmost importance, Java is typically quick and a great option for creating applications.

8. Multiple inheritance

Both single and multiple inheritances are supported by C++. Multiple inheritances can cause issues, but it uses the virtual keyword to address these issues. Java only allows for one type of inheritance. Its interfaces allow for the implementation of multiple inheritances.

9. Compiler and Interpreter

C++ is a compiled language that cannot be interpreted since it uses a compiler to translate source code into object code. In order to run this object code, it has been converted into an executable file. Java, on the other hand, is both compiled and interpreted. They differ greatly in this regard.

Your decision between these programming languages will be based on the particular needs of your projects. Both of them have unique use cases as well as some advantages over one another. The question of which programming language should be your first choice has no universally accepted solution.

Software developers who are not familiar with low-level programming concepts should use Java. But software developers who want to create desktop applications, embedded systems, operating systems, games, and other things should use C++. You should have read the differences between the languages in the article. So make an informed decision regarding your choice, whether you are a developer or a newbie to the industry.




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